Friday, February 17, 2006

Dhaka, Bangladesh (2)


I've been three days teaching in the slum school and it's been great and very eye-opening !! The kids were starting to know how to pronounce my name and to communicate with me. I even got a valentine's card from two girls there !! But I think it's time to move on and go and see the Bengal tiger. Off tomorrow morning, on an arranged trip (coz going on my own would have been a lot of hassle since you need to get loads of permits and police here are very corrupt). Ah, I think I am going with the ambassador of Sri Lanka in Bangladesh, a good opportunity to make buddies with him do serious networking !!! yah, right ... The other day was trying to get a flight out from Dhaka into Bangkok. The funny thing is that nobody wanted to take cash, and it was a real hassle. It took me 4 hours travelling back and forth and checking banks. The bad thing is that things are very inneficient, but the good is that people are amazingly friendly.
Been hanging out with some of the expats, because this is the only thing you can do here when the sun goes down. Some of them live in real luxury homes, and we go to the Nordic Club to drink beer coz you cannot get them in the streets or restaurants. Funny enough you come here thinking of them as nose-up people, but you soon realise that if you have to live here for more than 6 months, you have to do it like that ... Anyway, speak more soon, after Sundarbans !!



ahora un pelin en castellano. Despues de pelearme (son unos melones) para conseguir un billete de avion, y un viaje a la zona del tigre de Bengala, al final lo he conseguido y me voy manyana !! El 23 me voy a Bangkok a seguir mi viaje. Clarisimamente lo mejor ha sido ver a los chavales de la escuela, que son supermajos. El ultimo dia ya me sabia algunos nombres y jugaba y pintaba con ellos !! Pero creo que es mejor seguir mi camino.
Estos dias he estado saliendo con gente occidental que lleva aqui varios meses. Inevitablemente te vas con ellos a cenar a sitios caros y ir en sus coches, que la gente local no puede ni permitirse sonyar con ellos, pero si vives aqui mas de medio anyo es la unica manera ....
Bueno, estoy divinamente !! un besote,



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