Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Sundarbans, Bangladesh

back in Dhaka from a 3 day trip to the Sundarbans ('beautiful forest' in bengali) !! This is the natural habitat of the Royal Bengal Tiger, and it's been really good fun. Aftera 9 hour trip by bus to Khulna, there I met with the rest of the bunch who was going there: 4 norwegian girls, John and Jonathan (a father and his son) from London, Phil, a chap from Bristol, Jack a dutch journalist and Gamini (the ambassador of Sri Lanka in Bangladesh) and his wife. All have very fascinating stories and it was great fun. We talked a lot and we got to know each other and share little adventures. Anyway, from Khulna we set off in a boat up to Sundarbans, the very bottom of Bangladesh. I had my own little cabin and it was very clean (not to be assumed here in Bangladesh !!). The thing is that there are very few tigers in Bangladesh (between 150 and 450) and we didn't see any. The total number of tigers in the world is around 6,000 or 7,000, so not that many.
Been really great and had some very memorable stories, like going in a canoe through a creek at sunset in complete silence and swimming with the embassador and Jack in the sea !!
Back now in Dhaka, and off tomorrow to Bangkok, more from there then !! All is great and don't forget, enjoy the ride !!



ya estoy de vuelta en Dhaka (he llegado a las 4.30am !!) de mi viaje a la tierra del tigre de bengala, en el sur del pais. Desafortunadamente no vimos ninguno (solo hay entre 150 y 450 en todo el pais) pero estuvo muy bien y he conocido a gente muy interesante. Ah, y me banye en la playa con el embajador de sri lanka y un periodista holandes !! curiosisimo !!
Manyana me voy a Bangkok, solo estaremos alli una noche y luego a Cambodia a ver que tal. Pero seguro que va a estar divino !!
a ver si la semana que viene pongo las fotos en este blog. Estoy bien, como bien, conozco a mucha gente y me lo paso de cojon !!



Blogger Unknown said...

Pad pad pad... si si les fotos!!

Pad... ara q s'aprovara l'Estatut i q la majoria dels lectors som catalans... no podries fer una seccio en aquest idioma en vies d'extincio? El President Macia ho agrairia! Merci!

3:41 AM  
Blogger Chuck & Ale said...

que maravilla Oscar! no pares de escribir.

10:06 AM  

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