Saturday, February 25, 2006

Kho Chang, Thailand

hi all,

after leaving Bangladesh and my luxurious lifestyle I went to Bangkok. There I met Javi and his brother Chiqui, who were travelling from India. It was pretty cool to meet somebody who I had last seen in London and was one of my best friends, and it's cool since I'll be hanging out with him in some legs of my trip. Anyway, Bangkok was not so interesting for us, and next morning we hit the road for Kho Chang, a little island in Thailand but next to Cambodia. It took us ages to get here (10 hours) but definitely worth !! We are staying at a very cheap hut in front of the beach (literally 10 feet away) and we sleep hearing the ebb and flow of the sea. The water is amazing and we did sport in the morning today (swimming and running!!). We also took some motorbikes and we went round the island !! This was great fun and we were pretty fast !! Answering some people now and doind this little report to keep up updated and now off to eat some good seafood !!
Ah, tomorrow is my 31st birthday and I think we are going to chill out here !! more soon,



hola a todos,

despues de encontrarme con Javi y Chiqui en Bangkok, estuvimos alli solo una noche y luego nos piramos para una islita (tambien de Tailandia) a 10 horas en autobus, camion y barquita que se llama Kao Chang. Es superbonito, muy tranquilo y estamos en una cabanya literalmente en frente del mar. Son dos camas y una ducha de agua fria, pero estupenda para nosotros !! hoy hemos ido a nadar y a correr y luego hemos alquilado unas motos y hemos dado una vuelta a la isla !! en plan americano !!
estoy muy bien, manyana es mi cumple y creo que nos quedamos aqui. Mas pronto !!



Blogger Chuck & Ale said...

Feliz dia Oscar, muchas felicidades en este anio genial para ti. Ale & el Gringo

11:22 AM  

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