Monday, February 27, 2006

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

hi from Cambodia. After leaving Kho Chang, we took several dodgy transportation into the border, we slept one night in a very simple and not so clean accomodation in Kho Kong and this morning we took a boat to Sihanoukville !! it took us forever !! The beach here is just awesome, especially if you go away from the tourisitic spots. Tomorrow we are moving into a nice bungalow by a cliff near the sea and catch some sun in the beach. The country is just great but a bit more pore than Thailand. Tourism is coming more and more and this beautiful place will soon be a next Pattaya ... But so far so good, food amazing and people really friendly !! more soon. Will try and put some pics up in the near future, but I need a fast connection and things in Cambodia are kind of slow and I'd rather spend some valuable minutes catching sun in the beach !!



hola desde Sihanoukville en Cambodia !! estoy bien, despues de hacer noche en un chamizo en un pueblo de la frontera, esta manyana hemos llegado en barco hasta aqui. Es un pueblo aluciante, con el agua supertransparente y tranquila. La comida es buenisima, y lo malo es que mas gente se esta dando cuenta de esto y se esta empezando a llenar, pero supongo que esto pasa en muchas partes del mundo !! de momento manyana mas, a dormir en una choza al lado del mar y a levantarse pronto para ir a hacer deporte !!



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