Friday, April 21, 2006

Pulau Sipadan, Sabah, Malaysia

hi from the best place to dive in the world !!

I am staying in Sempurna, but today I took a small boat and we went diving to Pulau Sipadan, a small island one hour away. It's a beautiful small paradise, than can be walked around in 20 minutes over white sand beaches. There is a small police detachment coz 6 years ago some pirates hijacked some tourists here ... Luckily today all went fine, and in my 3 dives we've seen so many sharks, turtles (been swimming next to at least 10 and touched one just to feel her skin and they are well gorgeous !!), fish (several Napoleon fish, a 2m big green giant that has small fish cleaning his teeth, like the hippos !!) that is umbelievable. We dive in a wall that is 600m deep and is only 50m from the island, so during the surface intervals we've been snorkling and laying in the beach and it's paradise. Only very few people can go there every day, and although it's a bit expensive, I've decided that I like it so much that I am taking my 'Advanced PADI course' there !! starting tomorrow at 8.30am and can't wait to swim with turtles again !!



hola desde Pulau Sipadan,

es una islita a una hora en barca de Semporna, donde duermo, y es sencillamente un paraiso. Es tan pequenya que se le puede dar la vuelta en 20 minutos, y es como en las pelis, que te acercas con una barca motora y ves una isla perdida en medio de la nada, pequenyita con la arena superblanca y rodeada de coral !! esto es Sipadan, pero con la mejor fauna marina del universo !! hace unos anyos unos piratas secuestraron a unos turistas, pero hoy todo ha ido bien !!
a unos 50 metros de la isla hay una pared de 600 metros, o sea que no se ve el fondo, y es alli donde buceamos, en una pared !! hay tantos tiburones, peces (Napoleon, un pez supergordo de color verde con pececillos en su boca que le limpian los dientes !) y tortugas (por lo menos hemos visto 20, y hemos nadado al lado de varias y he tocado a dos, y son preciosas !!) que es sensacional !!! estoy tan impresionado que le he dado patada al presupuesto y me quedo aqui dos dias mas buceando y sacandome el 'advanced PADI' !! empiezo manyana y estoy super emocionado pq nadare con mas tortugas !!

este sitio es sencillamete divino,



Blogger Heiwa said...

Are you a Dive Master!!!

Genial toro!! Sigue a tope y gozando de las cuatro reglas de los ninhos!

Eres un genio, mi ninyo!


4:22 PM  

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