Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

hi from the beautiful village of Sandakan !!

it's a small fisherman village in the east of Sabah, Borneo. I arrived here two days ago from Kota Kinabalu and I am staying at Mayfair Hotel, the best place in town coz it's in front of the fishmarket and has DVD and cable television in the room, all for 50 MR !! today when I was waiting for the bus to Sepilok (the orangutan sanctuary) I met Roberth, a swedish guy that is cool and we've been hanging out together. We went in a local bus to Sepilok and we've seen the orangutans !! that was awesome !! we also wanted to go and see the long nose monkeys, but there were no buses there, so only orangutans and a two houre trek in the jungle !! We just had dinner in the local fishmarket and still don't know what I'll do tomorrow, stay here one more day (people greet you in the street like a pop star coz there are no tourists !!) or leave for Sempurna and hit the beach ... will see !

all good my end,



hola desde Sandakan !!

supongo que de aqui venia el tipo de la tele de la serie que mirabamos cuando eramos pequenyo !! es un pueblo de pescadores cerca de la selva en Borneo. La gente es encantadora y te tratan como a una estrella de pop porque no hay turistas y todo el mundo te quiere hablar !! estoy alojado en un hotel con dvd y television para mi solo, solo por 50 MR !! alucinante !! es tan dificil salir de aqui, que igual me quedo un dia mas, ya vere !! hoy he conocido a un sueco de 19 anyos, Roberth, y hemos ido juntos a Sepilok, una reserva de orangutanes, y les hemos visto de cerca !! espectacular !! luego hemos caminado por la jungla pero en chanclas, como los grandes !! y ahora acabamos de comer en un chamizo superlocal, encima del puerto, con los locals !! ya vere que hago manyana, pero este sitio es maravilloso !!

estoy bien, espero que vosotros tambien,



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