Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Mount Kinabalu, 4.095m, Sabah, Malaysia

hi from Kota Kinabalu !!!

after diving in beautiful Pulau Sipadan and getting my Advanced Open Water certificate there diving with turtles, we (met with the swedish Roberth again in Sempurna for his 20th birthday) came to the base of mount Kinabalu yesterday. We stayed in a guesthouse and prepared for the climb to the highest mountain in SE Asia, foggy and beautiful mount Kinabalu !! I set up early in the morning, went to the base camp, booked a guide (James, very cool) and we started climbing. I went up with Roberth, who didn't book accomodation and had to do it up and down in one day !! Anyway, we were very energetic and climbed from km0 to km6, where the guesthouse Laban Rata is in only 2h40m !! that was really fast and we got there before anybody esle and the guides were truly impressed !! Then I stayed there chilling and Roberth did all the way up and down. Today people who slept at Laban Rata we woke up at 2am !! and because I was climbing so fast the day before, I stayed chilling and having hot chocolates with a southafrican couple, Megan and Alan, who were really nice. At 3.30am we set up with hats and torches and we started climbing up to the summit in order to see sunrise there. We were climbing solid and overtaking some people who couldn't cope with it !! We got there at 5.20am, just 10min before sunrise. I was with running shoes and shorts (everybody else was so prepared with boots and all the rest of it !!) and they were so cool to let me a windbreaker which was highly useful !! Anyway, after taking the beautiful pictures of the awesome sunrise we started descending down. I went really fast and got the base camp at 10.30, picked Roberth from our guesthouse and went to Kota Kinabalu !! I am really exhausted now, but really worth the effort !! Tomorrow Brunei !!

all great my end !!



hola a todos desde Kota Kinabalu !!

despues de sacarme el Advanced diving nadando con tortugas en la fabulosa isla de Sipadan, me encontre otra vez con mi amigo sueco Roberth, y nos dirigimos juntos a la base del monte Kinabalu (4.095m) el mas alto del sureste asiatico !! como el melon del Roberth no tenia alojamiento en la montanya, tenia que subir y bajar en un solo dia, o sea que empezamos prontito por la manyana, y llegamos al guesthouse Laban Ratan (6km despues del campo base) en tan solo 2h40m, superrapido !! luego el siguio subiendo hasta la cumbre y yo me quede alli tranquilamente, esperando al resto de la gente que tenia que llegar. Hoy por la manyana nos hemos levantado a las 2am !! me he juntado con una pareja surafricana majisima, Megan y Alan, y hemos subido como los grandes, a pinyon y adelantando a la gente por el camino !! Hemos empezado los ultimos y hemos llegado a la cima los primeros, a las 5.20, 10 minutos antes de la salida del sol. Es un espectaculo alucinante, con unos colores sensacionales, y te das cuenta de lo escarpada que es la montanya, que no se veia antes pq ibamos de noche y con linternas. Alli arriba hace un frio que te cagas, y yo he subido como un toro, con deportivas y pantalon corto (todo el mundo iba superpreparado con botas y toda la mandanga) !! pffffffffffffffffffff !! menos mal que Alan me ha dejado un jersey que sino me muero de frio. Bueno, despues de las fotos y los hastaluegos, he bajado en plan toro hasta la base. Luego he ido a buscar al ceporro del Roberth y nos hemos venido a Kota Kinabalu, donde estoy ahora. Manyana por la manyana prontito para coger un ferry a Brunei !!

estoy divinamente !!



Blogger Heiwa said...

Asi me gusta, tio!! En plan capitan!


4:37 PM  

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