Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Apia, 'Upolu, Samoa

hi from Samoa (to be pronounced Saaamoa) !!

flew on wednesday morning from Auckland and got into Apia on tuesday morning !! We just crossed the international time line !! Funny. Anyway, got installed into a cheap motel in town (that looks more like a small village) and went walking around. Saw a small but pretty museum, a market, the promenade and other stuff they've got here. The place is full of obese people, but very friendly. Sometimes they have this 'musu' thing (they don't feel like talking to you any more) though ... They speak Samoan, which is not too far away from hawaiian (as if this made any difference to me...). Well, tomorrow off to the other island (Savai'i) to catch some sun I hope. Back on flip flops and t-shirts !



hola desde Samoa (pronunciese Saaaaamoa),

vole el miercoles por la manyana, pero he llegado aqui el martes por la manyana !! Es que hemos cruzado la lines internacional del tiempo, supercurioso !! Bueno, me he instalado en un motel chamizo y he salido a dar una vuelta. La ciudad (que es la capital de Samoa) es superpequenya, pero hace sol y la gente es supersimpatica. Eso si, tambien estan supergordos !! algunos tienen cara de mala leche, pero luego te sueltan 'how's it going bro' y ya todo va mejor !! A algunos les pasa una cosa que se llama 'musu' (de repente cuando te estan contando algo no tienen mas ganas de hablar y se quedan callados ...). Manyana me voy a la otra isla, Savai'i, donde estare en unas cabanyas al lado del mar y intentare volverme a poner en forma y moreno !!



Blogger GoNiS said...

Mola la foto aƩrea de la isla toro!

3:52 AM  

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