Friday, August 18, 2006

Rapa Nui, Chile

hi all from Santiago de Chile, back from Rapa Nui with a massive cold !! Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is 5hr away by plane from Santiago. It's a small little island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, one of the most isolated places on Earth and part of Polinesia. The island is full of 'moais' (enorme stone sculptures to honour their ancestors) carved in beautiful volcano Rano Raraku by the two tribes that inhabited the island. They used timber to drag the sculptures, hence the deforestation. We went up Rano Kau, a beautiful volcano of 410m height, then the following day we took two bicycles and went around the whole island, climbed Rano Raraku and saw lots of moais !! By the time we finished we were totally exhausted !! I reckon it's there where I got the cold ... Anyway, since there were not many things to do there, we changed our plane tickets and came back to Santiago yesterday. We were planning to go partying, but since I've got this massive cold I reckon I'll give it a miss ...

all great my end,



hola a todos desde Santiago de Chile, ya de vuelta de Rapa Nui con un resfriado de caballo !! Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua) esta a 5horas en avion de Santiago, y es una pequenya isla en el medio del Oceano Pacifico, uno de los lugares mas aislados de la Tierra y parte de la Polinesia. La isla esta llena de 'moais' (enormes esculturas de piedra hechas para honrar a sus antepasados). Fueron talladas en el magnifico volcan Rano Raraku por las dos tribus que habitaban la isla, y como usaron maderas para mover las figuras, de aqui la deforestacion. El primer dia subimos el Rano Kau, un volcan maravilloso de 410m de altura, y al dia siguiente cogimos dos bicis y fuimos a dar la vuelta a la isla. Subimos el volcan Rano Raraku, y vimos mogollon de moais !! creo que alli es donde cogi el resfriado ... en fin, pilarin, que cuando devolvimos bicis estabamos rotos !! como no hay muchas cosas para hacer alli, francamente, cambiamos el vuelo y regresamos a Santiago ayer. El plan era salir de copas con una gente que conocimos, pero como tengo este resfriado mejor me quedare en cama poniendome bueno ...

todo fenomenal por aqui,



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